Almost every film produced follow a specific order when making the title sequence. This is to achieve a desirable order, that will make the audience pay attention to what the producers thinks is the most important.
Our title sequence order follow this 'recipe', and therefore start with our company's name. Down below you can see the order our titles will appear on, on screen.
1. Company name: Free Raven films presents
2. Studio name: A Eide Raven production (Optional if you want on your movie or not).
3. Main actor: Chloe Ravenscroft
4. Major actor: Sophie Ravenscroft
5. The writer: Chloe Ravenscroft and Frida Eide.
6. Camera person: Frida Eide
7. In charge of the music/soundtracks: Julianne Alver.
8. Director: Amy Louise
After we had decided what order the titles would be in, we had to decide what type of writing we wanted it to be, as well as what colour we felt would suit it.
We immediately knew that the colours we wanted had to be dark and frightening. We were not sure on what type of writing we wanted, however we had an idea that it could look like the opening title sequence from the original "halloween" film from 1978.
After looking for a while, we found the type of writing and colours we thought would fit perfectly in to our horror movie.
As you can see on the picture below, the titles have the colours red and black, indicating blood, danger and horror.
We were very happy about this, as both the colours have dark and horrifying connotations. As we got inspired by "Halloween" (1978) we chose a pure black background, which, as mentioned above, have dark spooky connotations. By choosing these colours to our titles, we hoped it would create a eerie feeling, indicating that it is a horror film that is about to start.
Pictures off all the titles:
Our title sequence order follow this 'recipe', and therefore start with our company's name. Down below you can see the order our titles will appear on, on screen.
1. Company name: Free Raven films presents
2. Studio name: A Eide Raven production (Optional if you want on your movie or not).
3. Main actor: Chloe Ravenscroft
4. Major actor: Sophie Ravenscroft
5. The writer: Chloe Ravenscroft and Frida Eide.
6. Camera person: Frida Eide
7. In charge of the music/soundtracks: Julianne Alver.
8. Director: Amy Louise
After we had decided what order the titles would be in, we had to decide what type of writing we wanted it to be, as well as what colour we felt would suit it.
We immediately knew that the colours we wanted had to be dark and frightening. We were not sure on what type of writing we wanted, however we had an idea that it could look like the opening title sequence from the original "halloween" film from 1978.
After looking for a while, we found the type of writing and colours we thought would fit perfectly in to our horror movie.
As you can see on the picture below, the titles have the colours red and black, indicating blood, danger and horror.
Pictures off all the titles:
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