Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Character profile

Every film made has one main character, and one or more major characters. The main character is generally always the protagonist which is the hero of the film, however, in our film the main character is the antagonist which is the villain. Our main character is Dolly pocket. She is a serial killer, as you may recognize from the picture below. The major characters in the opening scene is Tanya and her baby, sadly they are the victims of Dolly pocket in our two minute film; Peek -a -boo. 

Main character, Dolly Pocket:

Name: Dolly Pocket

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Occupation: Unemployed, serial killer.

Appearance/costume: Dolly's clothes are in the colours pink, red and black. Black hair in ponytails. White skin, red cheeks, black around her eyes. 

Characteristics: Jealous, psychopath, angry, disillusioned and revenge seeking.  

Major character, Tanya:

Name: Tanya

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Occupation: Nurse and mother

Appearance/costume: Tanya wears tidy appropriate clothes that are comfortable. Her hair is in a short cropped hairstyle for efficiency. She wears smart glasses and natural make up and in general has a gentle look about her

Tanya is a kind, maternal, loving character that is hugely good natured. The opposite to Dolly Pocket.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Task 4. Film certificates

When a film has been made, it has also been made a rating for it. This rating decides who can watch the film and not.
The once in power to decide what the rating it is going to be is British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). BBFC are responsible for the national classification and censorship of films within the United Kingdom. This organisation is non-governmental, and is funded by the film industry.
The different rating certificates films can get are:

Universal – This means that everyone can watch it, there is no age limit, and nothing unsuitable for children over 4.

Parental guidance – All ages admitted, however, there might be some unsuitable scenes for children under 8. E.g. sex/drugs references, violence if justified by context.

12A - This category was introduced in 2002, and only counts when the film is shown at the cinema. It means that the films under this category are considered unsuiteable for very young people. Those under the age of 12 years, are only aloud to watch the film if accompanied by an adult, who has to be at least 18 years old. The adult have to be with the one age 12 or under, at all times during the film. However, children under 12 are still not recommended to watch it, as it can contain discrimination, moderat swear words, mature themes, soft drugs, infrequent strong language and moderat violence/sex references.

12 - This category was introduced in 2002. When films are rated to be 12A, they have usually been rated at a 12 certificate for the VHS/DVD version. This, however, does not happen if there has been added any extra material that demands a higher rating. Those under the age of 12 are not aloud to rent or buy a 12/rated VHS. DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game.                                                                                        The films within this category may include moderat violence, infrequent use of strong language, infrequent drugs, brief nudity, and discreet sexual activity.

15 - This rating certificate means that only those aged over 15 are permitted to watch the film. Those under 15 are not aloud to buy or rent a 15-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game, they can also not watch a 15-rated film in the cinema. Under this category the films might contain hard drugs, adult themes, undetailed sec activity, moderate-strong/sec references and strong language and on use of very strong language.  

18 - This rating certificat means that only people aged 18 and over can rent or buy an 18-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game, or watch a film in the cinema with this rating.                                                           This category may contain strong violence/sex references along with strong sexual activity, no limits on bad language and scenes of strong real sex may be aloud if justified by the context.

The film we made, 'Peer-A-Boo', will be rated with a eighteen certificat. This is beacuse even though the gore and violence is not strong, there is an adult theme within the film. The fact that a innocent baby dies is a serious theme, and is not appropriate for younger audience than 18.
On top of this there is also a dark murder already in the opening scenes, and in the way the opening scenes stops, it indicates that the murdering is not finished. The fact that there is a dark murder, makes the film inappropriate for audience under 18 years old, as it can be disturbing for those below this age group.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Task 4. The pitch

4.1-4.2 In this task we were suppose to come up with four concepts for either horror, romcoms or thriller films. We were also suppose to outline the basic plot/storyline.

Peak A-BOO
Lady dresses up as a doll. She stalks parents with babies due to jealousy, because she has lost her own daughter.
Scene opens with close ups on doll, teddy bears, baby clothes, at first proper toys, and then toys and dolls with eyes ripped out and destroyed. When camera films a close up of a cot the scene dissolves into a dark night.
Creepy woman stalks a woman with her baby in a pram. 
We keep filming the shadows of the creepy woman, dressed as a doll, as she continuously says peak A-BOO. Last time she says it, she shouts it out and attacks the woman, ends up with killing her. And p o v of the baby in the dead mothers cot of the creepy doll face she carries on repeating peek a boo the camera dissolves again showing the same pov shot of the creepy doll women looking into a cot however you see from a long shot she is back home she picks up baby which is a skeleton sits in the teddy’s and cry’s and rocks the baby crying peek a boo titles boom on.

Young children /teenagers knock on a creepy women’s house and ask if they can sleep over as they are lost and need a place to sleep. As they get directed into different rooms, toys begin to come alive and attack the teenager. Now the party of teenagers are unable to get out they need to find a way to escape fast as the old women begins to turn on them to!

Man comes home from work, he gets possessed by evil spirit as he walks through his door, and the sprit has control over his mind and body. The spirit then kills the man’s wife. The sprit leaves the body when the job is done and the man is left shocked and confused at what has happened then the sprit attaches to another and keeps doing so until everyone is dead.
The scene opens with freak accident with a group of drunken teenagers messing about near a lake. In the chaos a girl is brutally drowned and left for dead by friends the scene cuts to the present and you see a ghostly figure of the girl rise eerily from the daughter with a knife with red eyes ready to attack those who left her to die so terribly.

In conclusion we chose to make film number one; Peak A-BOO. This because it involved less people in the movie, this makes the film easier to produce, as it is hard to find actors that are willing to work and use their spare time needed for the movie to be made well. It also had the scariest and most twisted plotline, to keep the audience interested. We also felt that this idea had the most depth to the characters, so there was a wide range of possibilities to work with.

Friday, 20 January 2012

analysing the box office data for each genre on UK film council website

This table from the 2010 box office shows the amount of horror, thrillers and romance films released in that year. The results show that horror had the most releases in the year compared to the other genres inferring that the Uk audience most likely want to view horror films at the cinema more than say the romantic films as more horror films were released implying there is a larger demand for them. Making horror a good genre of film to make as it is suggested to be the most popular film for the Uk audience. However even though romance only had nineteen releases there gross profit was slightly higher than horror at 58.4 compared to horror which grossed 51.1. this may be however because in 2010 more key releases and anticipated films in the romantic genre were released in 2010, for example the most popular film for romance in 2010 was The twilight Saga this is a well-known franchise so more people are likely to go see it compared to new horrors that are fresh on the market as they are already fans of the previous films. Even though paranormal activity 2 is a sequel the fan base for the films are nowhere near as big as the Twilight Saga which is a international phenomenon.  
The next pie chart shows the average box office per site of each genre in 2010. The results show that the average box office per site was higher than the thriller and horror genres at 18,861 compared to 13,151 for thriller and 11,624 for horror. However horror still grossed more than thriller implying even though it was released at fewer venues where it was released the films did very well indeed. Taking this into consideration the results also suggest that horror is a profitable market as romance was released at more venues implying they can reach a wider range of people than horror and thriller and seems as horror only grossed slightly less than romance it implies the horror film is a good market to invest in as it still makes huge gross and is still in competition with other genres such as romance even though it does not necessarily get aired to as many people.

Results of horror questionnaire

Ten people answered the questionnaires on various questionnaires more than one answer was required
1) What age group of characters best suit a horror film? 
Teenagers = 9/10

2) Do you expect to see violence and gore?

3) Who is your favourite evil horror character?
Michael Myers=1
Sprits in various films=2
Freddie Kruger=1
Hannibal lector =2
Preacher in poltergeist=1

4) Who is your favourite hero in a horror movie?
Van Helsing =3/10
Special agent graham=3/10
Care worker in case 39=1/10
The victim in hostel=1/10

5) What kind of music do you expect to see in a horror film e.g. famous song/backing track?
Backing track=5/10
Loud music=1/10
Eerie/spooky music=3/10

6)What do you think of changing gender dynamics in a horror film?
Do not know=2/10

7) How do you expect the title in a horror movie to appear e.gfast slow, big small and where on the screen and the effects present – fading in and out?
Fade in and out=7
Various effects=1
Centre position=3

8) What kinds of settings do you expect to see in a horror movie?
Dark backstreet=3
At work=0

9) What is your favourite horror movie?
Zombie land=1
Silence of the lambs=1
Dawn of the dead=1
Final destination =1
6th sense=2
Jeepers creepers=1
Do not know=1

10) How do you expect the editing to be in a horror movie?
Do not know=3

Analysis from the questionnaire
From the survey we have drawn the conclusion that most candidates liked teenagers and children as the main type of character in the horror film. This suggests that they liked the idea of innocence present in a character which is manipulated as children and teenagers are usually viewed as more innocent then adults as they are stereotypically less knowledgeable. Therefore suggesting when children and teenagers are the antagonist it is much more disturbing and wrong as it is unnatural.
A large number, nine out of ten, expected to see violence and gore in a horror film inferring that people associate a horror film with a lot of violence and acts of murder or pain. Whereas only one person voted no to violence and gore implying the idea that a horror film doesn’t necessarily have to contain violence and gore instead mental violence ,hurt and breakdown . implying not all horror s have to contain blood .   
The next two questions consisted of asking people there favourite hero and villain characters were in a horror film and why. There was a range of answers implying that a range of creatures or evil characters are viewed as equally scary in the horror genre. The reasons to why consisted of people feeling sensitive when the villain was a spirit for example saying they felt unprotected and unsure as the hero couldn’t protect themselves physically . other answers consisted that their favourite movie villains were people who had an appearance at first of purity but turned out evil e.g. Hannibal lector and Michael Myers who was a child at the beginning of a film this suggests that the audience like characters who appear as something they or not implying a sense of mystery is liked.
The heroes on the other hand such as Van Helsing were predominately male except for a few exceptions implying that a male character as the hero is viewed as most realistic as the reasons why consisted of strength and braveness something usually associated with the male gender opposed to female . However some people liked female heroes such as the case worker in case 39 suggesting sometimes a women hero is liked as it challenges the norms of a stereotypical horror film when the women is seen usually as the damsel in distress . This idea is reinforced on the gender dynamic question where 4 candidates like the idea of a women hero or villain with two not being fussed implying that the gender dynamics of women is a topic open to the public who are ready to embrace it.
People also voted that the music in a horror film should be a backing track opposed to a famous song containing as a backing track more spooky loud and eerie suggesting people found the music in a horror film important towards creating the scary horror setting.
The most popular setting for a horror film was the woods and a dark backstreet inferring that the audience liked places which were silent, dark and mysterious as both places are very good hiding places such as the woods where the antagonist can hide.
For our two minute film opening we have decided to make the opening of a horror film in order to prepare for this we made and sent out ten questionnaires based in horror dynamics in order to retrieve information on what an audience of a horror movies desire so when it comes to making and editing our film we have a clear idea of what will most appeal to our audience .

The majority of the questionnaire answerers seemed to prefer horror film titles that faded in and out and titles that were in the centre of the screen along with fading in and out slowly this inferring that there is a set particular style of titles that the audience like film makers to conform to that include the titles appearing slowly and fading in and out at the same time. It is implied in order to build u suspense and tension stereotypically. A majority of the questionnaire answerers also stated they like the idea of the titles appearing blood like suggesting gore is liked at the very beginning of the film rather than introduced slowly.

A range of horror films on question nine implied that a set type of horror film is not always desired by the audience and they like a range of films as each type of film had a different sub genre or very different characters from human to alien. This suggesting that our horror film does not necessarily need to stick to a certain type of horror film as the idea of variety is highlighted in this question.

The desired editing in a horror film varied greatly with some answerers confused at how they like to see a horror film edited however fast cuts were highly desired implying the audience like there horror films to be fast paced as the fast cuts create a sense of excitement and tension giving the impression the film is heading. This is something to consider when filming and editing our horror film . 

Pie chart results of questionnaire